01752 936303

Children’s Hypnotherapy

At The Observatory Practice, we are very pleased to offer clinical hypnotherapy for children and teenagers.

Children often suffer from a variety of anxiety-related condions that can be greatly relieved with positive hypnotherapy.

Some examples of childhood conditions we can work with are:

  • bed-wetting
  • toilet issues
  • separation anxiety
  • fears and phobias
  • eating or food issues
  • general anxiety
  • depressed mood
  • bullying
  • low confidence or self-esteem
  • exam or test anxiety
  • and many more…

We can work with children as young as 6-years old. Sessions for younger children may be shortened to suit their length of attention. Children’s hypnotherapy sessions are very positive and solution-focused. They will often involve an element of playing with toys, or colouring in.

Older children or teenagers are isually able to have a full hour session, although we can discuss yours and their requirements at the consultation. 

Please get in touch to find out how we can help your child to regain confidence and move forward positively.

We offer a FREE Initial Consultation.

Call 01752 936303