EFT, also known as ‘tapping’, is a gentle and effective energy therapy technique which involves lightly tapping on specific points on the head and upper body while focusing on thoughts, feelings or symptoms that you want to change.
EFT makes use of meridian lines from Chinese medicine to allow the client to calm the nervous system response. We focus on the ‘problem’ for a brief time in order to tune in, and then use tapping to down-regulate our reaction. This often results in cognitive shifts, as we become able to ‘re-think’ the problem and find better ways of dealing with it.

During your session, Jo will explain how EFT works and teach you how to tap. We will then begin to gently address whatever you would like to work on. Some examples of what you may want to work on include:
- Unhelpful or limiting beliefs
- Unwanted thoughts or feelings
- Habits or behaviours
- Physical symptoms
- Difficult or traumatic memories
- Anxieties or stresses
- Chronic pain or illness
- Cravings and addictions
- Depression or low mood
- Weight management
- Sleep issues
- Self-improvement
- Achieving goals
- …and much more!

During your EFT sessions, Jo will show you how to continue your tapping at home for maximum results.

Jo Perry is an Accredited, Certified EFT Practitioner, and a member of EFT International, and the EFT Guild.
If you would like to find out more about this therapy, or book a session, please get in touch using the form below, or ring us on 01752 936303.
Sessions can be in person, online, or by phone.
Sessions are approximately 1 hour long.
Cost: £70 per session.