01752 936303

Bespoke Body Massage

This massage is perfect if you want to design your own treatment by choosing the body parts that you most enjoy being massaged or are in need of muscle manipulation in a particular area.

A short consultation to determine the suitability of the treatment and how to tailor it to your desired result before relaxing into one hour of bespoke massage. For example, if you exercise, are on your feet all day, are in training for a marathon or love walking, you may wish to have all the time spent on receiving a deeper massage of your legs and feet. You may sit at a desk all day and be in need of your tense back, shoulders and arms receiving the attention. Or you simply wish to pamper yourself and pick your favourite parts of a massage such as your feet and your scalp to indulge in an hour of relaxation heaven!

Bespoke Body Massage (60 minutes) – £55