At The Observatory Practice, we can offer Sports Performance sessions to help you to acheive your sporting or athletic goals.
Hypnotherapy can have a huge impact on the performance of an athlete. In terms of sporting excellence, stress can have an enormous effect on the ability to perform at our best. We can’t expect to play at a peak all the time, we have all had times when things just seem to go wrong, missing a few more putts or serving poorly. So we need to reduce the depth and the duration of the troughs, whilst still improving the peak levels.
We know that some level of positive stress/pressure can help in producing optimum physical and psychological shape. However too much stress can lead to a drop in our ability to perform in the sporting arena. Too much stress/anxiety can also cause muscle tension, which could lead to injury.
Hypnotherapy can have a major impact to improving or restoring performance by allowing you to take control of your stress levels, and to adequately prepare you mentally for that winner’s edge.
Many top sports personalities have been using hypnotherapy as a major part of their preparation in helping them win.
Self confidence is also another important issue. It is not just about our physical ability, our perceptions of ourselves can greatly influence how we perform. So we can also work towards improving your confidence about your performance ability, and make sure you are able to be at your best.
Another area of importance to a sportsperson or athlete is motivation. Often when we feel less than our best, we lose motivation to train or practice. Again, our professional practitioners at The Observatory Practice can work with you to improve levels of motivation, so that you are able to put your all into your training and practice.
Contact us for a FREE Initial Consultation today.