Weight Control
At The Observatory Practice we are passionate believers in positive body image. We want to help you to love and appreciate your body at whatever size or weight is right for you. Building your self-esteem and confidence around your body image is one of first priorities, and we will work with you to achieve this throughout therapy.
If you would like to change your body size or shape for health and wellbeing reasons, perhaps by losing weight, eating more healthily, becoming fitter, or even by gaining weight, we will work with you to hep you achieve your goal in a healthy and holistic way.
We know it can be very difficult to lose weight, and we understand all of the reasons people struggle with this in modern society. There is so much more to the process than dieting, calorie counting, eating less or exercising more.
We can work with you on the many emotional and psychological aspects around weight loss, or weight gain, that may be affecting your efforts to change your body shape.
We offer a FREE Initial Consultation where we can discuss your goals, and talk about how you have been experiencing trying to change your body size or shape so far. We will explain the important role of our emotions and beliefs in this process, and how the brain works in relation to our relationship with food and lifestyle choices.
We will also explain the highly significant impact of stress and sleep in this area. We will give you a relaxation track to listen to each night which will be greatly beneficial, and help the process of therapy.
Please get in touch with us today to discuss how we can help…